The timeless wisdom of Native American cultures has been passed down through generations and is known to be both empowering and consoling. I'd like to highlight two Native American quotes in particular because they beautifully sum up the essence of what it takes to live a meaningful, resilient, and fulfilling life.
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The other day, I got a newsletter from my mindfulness (MBSR) teacher, Mechthild.
I've previously mentioned how unique her newsletters are; they mean a lot to me. Each one is filled with warmth and understanding for both small and significant human struggles.
Mechthild has a gift with words – they provide comfort like a cozy blanket on a winter day. They are invigorating and life-affirming, like the first sip of coffee in the morning or a hearty meal after a long hike.
What makes it even more special: Mechthild enriches each newsletter with a little-known quote or proverb, always touching and profound.
This time, she shared a beautiful Navajo proverb.
Native American Quote #1: Navajo PROVERB
This inspirational Navajo proverb guides us to live a balanced and virtuous life. May it inspire you just as much as it inspired me.
Walk tall as the trees,
Navajo proverb
Live strong as the mountains,
Be gentle as the spring winds,
Keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart,
And the Great Spirit will always be with you.
Let's break down the individual lines of the proverb to get to the meaning of them.
"Walk tall as the trees":
This encourages us to stand with strength and confidence, much like the towering trees that symbolize resilience, strength, and a connection to the earth. We should strive to maintain an upright and grounded posture in the face of challenges.
"Live strong as the mountains":
Mountains are enduring and permanent. This line advises us to live our lives with inner stability. It emphasizes the importance of developing a solid foundation in our character.
"Be gentle as the spring winds":
Spring winds are often gentle and refreshing. They bring new life by carrying seeds and dispersing pollen. This part of the proverb reminds us to approach others and situations with a gentle and compassionate demeanor, fostering growth in our interactions.
"Keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart":
The summer sun represents positivity and brightness. This suggests holding onto the warmth of optimism and love in our hearts. This will help us be kind and forgiving, contributing to a positive environment around us.
"And the Great Spirit will always be with you":
The Great Spirit is a symbol of the divine, the source of all life and love.
This final line connects the previous aspects to a spiritual dimension.
It implies that by embodying these qualities—strength, resilience, gentleness, and warmth—we align ourselves with the values upheld by the Great Spirit, and we will feel a deeper connection to the spiritual and natural world.
To sum it up:
This Native American quote about life serves as a reminder that we are all a part of nature; we are not separate, individual beings, but connected to nature and something bigger than ourselves. By being strong, resilient, gentle, and kind, we can more deeply reflect and feel this connection.
Native American Quote #2: Apache BLESSING
Recently, I've come across another gorgeous quote that imparts a similar message as the Navajo proverb.
It's a heartfelt Apache blessing that expresses the desire for peace, serenity, and appreciation for the beauty of the world in one's life.
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.
Apache blessing
Now, isn't this a touching reminder to approach life with gentleness, respect, and a sense of wonder?
Bonus: BOOKS on Native American Wisdom
If these two Native American quotes stirred your heart and mind, Native American wisdom may deeply resonate with you.
The website Inspiration for the Spirits offers many more insights into Native American perspectives on various aspects of life, our role as human beings on Earth, and reflections on death. Whenever I sense my inner world feeling dull, I turn to these profound quotes for a deeper understanding.
Do you enjoy reading in book format? Here are three recommended books available on Amazon.
1. When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through, with LeAnne Howe, Jennifer Elise Foerster, and contributing editors
2. A Radiant Curve, by Lucy Tapahonso
3. The Wisdom of Native Americans, by Kent Nerburn
Which is your favorite quote? Do you know more inspirational Native American proverbs?
Wishing you planty of inspiration and inspirited delights,
Psst, you'll enjoy this poem by Portia Nelson about dealing with difficult times and this beautiful Sanscrit poem about the best part of living in the Here and Now.
(Picture at the beginning of the post by Casey Horner via Unsplash)
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